Join us for worship on Sundays @11AM

You are invited to join us every Sunday morning in our main hall for worship. During this is time we gather together to worship God, hear from His word, and fellowship with one another.

We have Sunday School for children in primary school and a crèche for younger children. Everyone starts off in the main hall and then the children leave for their classes just before the sermon.

Sunday Worship lasts approximately 90 minutes. Feel free to show up early or stay afterwards for fellowship.

Current Sermon Series

What to Expect



The main focus of our worship is praising God. The 11:00am worship service provides a meaningful opportunity to sing His praises, pray together, and learning about God through the preaching of His Word. We also desire to help others come to know the Lord and grow more like Christ.


Alongside our Worship service, we provide a great opportunity for all Primary age children to learn lessons from the Bible on their level during Sunday School.

What to Wear?

Not sure what to wear? Please, come as you are! People will be wearing anything from a suit and tie to jeans and t-shirts. We care more about you being with us than how you dress.

We are located on the Coldharbour Estate

Southold Rise SE9 3BE